Overemployment And The Risk Of Disobeying Non-Compete Agreements

There’s a new trend going around and it’s called overemployment. Overemployment refers to juggling two or more full-time jobs in an effort to make loads of money. It’s a far cry from the other side of the spectrum — those who don’t want to work at all.
Juggling multiple remote jobs is a great way to achieve financial freedom, but it comes with risks. There’s a lot of juggling involved obviously, but the main thing is keeping the jobs a secret. In fact, one of the main rules of overemployment is not telling anyone. Some people may argue that you shouldn’t even tell your spouse.
Why? Because employers frown upon moonlighting, or taking on additional jobs. Many companies feel as though employees should be committed to their job, to the point where they should not take on any additional work. In fact, many companies require non-compete agreements for this very reason.
Overemployment is immoral to many people. Are employees actually working 40 hours per week for each employer? Most likely, no. Many employees are working maybe several hours a day with each company, so they’re getting paid even though they’re not putting in a full workday each day. But many will argue that it doesn’t matter as long as you are getting your work done.
One of the biggest issues with overemployment is the risk of competing with competitors. Obviously, employers frown upon this as it is a conflict of interest. That’s another reason why noncompete agreements are used.
Noncompete agreements specify that employees must not enter into competition with an employer for a certain period of time. In addition, workers are prohibited from revealing proprietary information or secrets to others during or after employment.
This can be tricky when it comes to overemployment. That’s because many of these jobs are in technology or computer programming, as they are easy to do remotely. Once a person amasses two or three of these jobs, it’s possible that conflicts of interest will come about. Sooner or later, these jobs will end up being connected to each other in some way.
Lawyers do not promote this overemployment trend, stating that most employment agreements today have some sort of clause that prohibits employees from working for another company.
Employers do not want their employees doing similar work for their competitors. This can lead to claims of trade secret theft or questions about ownership of intellectual property. Plus, companies want to know that their employees will dedicate their time to their jobs.
Learn More About Non-Compete Agreements
Many companies want to limit their competition with competitors, so they place restrictions on employees. Sometimes these restrictions are extreme, but the non-compete agreement needs to be followed nevertheless.
Orlando non-compete agreement lawyer B.F. Godfrey from Godfrey Legal can help review your agreement and ensure there are no conflicts if you choose to engage in overemployment or other risky activities. Schedule a consultation with our office by calling (407) 890-0023 or filling out the online form.